Huddle Up! | Gagen MacDonald

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Huddle Up!

Jan 08, 2015
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It’s Monday morning. It’s the time when many employees are dragging their feet on the way into the office. How can you help them get their heads back in the game? Even the most engaged employees could use a little boost on Monday mornings to reconnect with your mission and get energized for the week.I think Eric Ryan, Co-founder of Method, has the right idea with his Monday morning huddles. The Method huddles include the entire company, but starting the week with this kind of meeting is not limited to small businesses. I experienced the positive impact of a weekly team huddle on a smaller scale with one of my project teams. My manager held an informal meeting with our six-person team on Monday mornings. The meeting started with a round robin of what everyone did over the weekend, which allowed the team to connect on a more personal level and learn about their teammates’ interests. Next, we’d review our priorities for the week, deadlines, client meetings, etc.An incredibly inspiring message from my manager was not required to engage the team during Monday morning huddles; we were engaged simply through consistent and open dialogue with our leader. The real power of the team huddle is the frequent and consistent dialogue between employees and their leader.There is also a great “let go” component to team huddles. When my manager expressed her priorities for the week, she was inviting us to share the responsibility of accomplishing those priorities. Knowing the priorities for the week provided more opportunities for team members to take initiative, drive towards results and lead others.Can your organization find a way to follow Method’s example of the Monday morning huddle? Or does your organization already have a weekly huddle? If so, we’d love for you to share with the community how your huddle works and how it contributes to engagement or to the success of your organization.
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