Communication Consulting Services | Gagen MacDonald

Our Expertise


At its essence and in its most powerful form, communication is about an exchange of perspective that results in the formation of a relationship.

The management guru John Kotter famously wrote, “Most companies under-communicate their visions for change by at least a factor of 10.”

As communications consultants with over two decades of experience, we go further. Large organizations undervalue and underestimate the power of communication, not just as a functional area (Corporate Communication), but as a value, discipline and cultural characteristic by an even greater ratio.

With a roster of veteran executives among our communications consulting team and a wide array of skill sets — from storytelling to measurement — internal communication is an area of deep expertise at Gagen MacDonald.

We help our communications consulting clients in two ways.

First, we partner with them to create and implement internal communication solutions to complex strategic challenges. Second, we build and enhance the capabilities of their Corporate Communication department, as well as executives and leaders across the company.

Often, internal communication is seen — and treated — as a deliverable. An email. A video. A town hall. A webinar. It’s seen as a way of getting relevant information quickly and effectively from executive leaders to the employees who need it, and it is tailored to give them only what they “need to know.” It’s about controlling the flow of information to achieve productivity.

Internal communication is so much more.

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Case Studies

Alexion Pharmaceuticals

Advising on global realignment communication for the company’s path forward.
At our core, our role as internal communication consultants is to help our clients build relationships.

In the context of a large company, this means that internal communication is an ongoing dialogue that occurs up, down and across an organizational structure. We not only have messaging and narrative development experts to ensure communications are timely, relevant, strategic and influential, but we bring a differentiated ability to cultivate two-way, cross-functional dialogue.

When different parts of a large, complex organization become connected through communication, they form a network. When a network becomes united, a company is capable of unfathomable advancements.

We bring passion about the future of the communication discipline to our consulting team.

Communication as a profession is changing in significant ways with deep implications on both a personal and organizational level. Personally, the communication professional of the future will need to continue to enhance their capabilities working with digital tools and analytics, as well as expanding business acumen and effectively building relationships with an array of both internal and external stakeholders.

We’ve worked with many large companies to not only write job descriptions with a future focus but have designed and implemented competency models and development programs meant to bolster individual communicators. Similarly, we have worked with many Chief Communication Officers to design their “future function,” mapping new communication organizational designs and structures to align with evolving needs.