With Traditionalists | Gagen MacDonald

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With Traditionalists

Jan 08, 2015
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Debra Arbit & David Stillman

Partners at BridgeWorks and Generational Puzzle Solvers

After years of working together and constantly butting heads, David and Lynn Lancaster had an insight that sparked a new business venture: Their challenge wasn’t styles or personalities, it was context. And they weren’t alone. For the first time in history, four generations were working shoulder-to-shoulder, each bringing its own set of beliefs, experiences and expectations. This idea is the heart of BridgeWorks, a company that helps organizations understand and traverse generational divides. Debra, a Millennial, started as an intern and today is CEO. How’s that for Millennial ambition! Together, they have authored The M-Factor and When Generations Collide –two great reads on the generations at work.

It starts with a simple truth: The workforce is not static or one-dimensional. It’s more like a multi-dimensional puzzle that’s always in motion. To bridge the gaps and help the pieces fit together, leaders need to adapt and move with it. This concept adds a layer of complexity to leaders’ challenge in the 21st Century and depth to our conversation on what it means to “let go.”

With Traditionalists (people born prior to 1946), think Legacy.

/ Jan 08, 2015

On Motivation

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