What Defines Us | Gagen MacDonald

Who we are

What Defines Us

We believe strongly in the power of belief.

Belief is the basis of behavior and dictates how we show up and act each day. While our team has a diverse set of skills and comes from many walks of life, there are several beliefs that unite us.

We believe…

Transformation starts within.
All companies today are in some phase of transformation. While the ultimate goal of transformation is often to maintain relevance amid shifting customer expectations, the work starts within the organization.
Work should have meaning.
The average employee spends more than 100,000 hours at work over the course of their career. We believe that for society to function at its best, those hours need to feel like more than a paycheck. Finding purpose and meaning in our job positively affects the rest of our lives.
The most important work happens in the white space between siloes.
Corporations are organized in much the same way they were 75 years ago. The same departmental labels and functional design present the same struggles around collaboration, cohesion and direction. We believe the work that truly separates the top performers from the middle of the pack - items like strategy, culture, brand and reputation - exist within the cracks in this design.
There are Three Things That Change Everything™.
Amid an ocean of change approaches and processes, we simply believe there are three interdependent elements that - when done consistently well - will drive and sustain success: a compelling story, committed leaders and an intentional roadmap.
Love in Business is Good Business®.
Work is a vulnerable and, at times, scary place. We give a lot of ourselves to our work and often operate amid great uncertainty. Workplaces benefit when companies lead with love and treat people as the complex, intelligent and emotional beings they are.