Employee Engagement Consulting Services | Gagen MacDonald

Our Expertise

Employee Engagement

We help large companies gain value from their strategies and unleash their potential through their employees, at every level.

A poor idea executed flawlessly will go further than a flawless idea executed poorly.

Among business’s many axioms, none more accurately describe the dynamics that govern organizational success. While the quality of a strategy is important, what truly determines outcomes is the effort, dedication and focus employees offer to deliver on its promise. Without engaged employees, little good can occur.

Unfortunately, according to Gallup, barely a third of today’s workforce is engaged. Perhaps this is why so many companies are fighting to survive.

We have spent more than two decades pioneering and navigating the nuances of employee engagement. While others have been in a rush to develop offerings in recent years, we have been consistently and steadily refining our expertise and leadership in employee engagement consulting for over 25 years.

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Case Studies

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Empowering leaders and engaging employees through the largest industrial merger in history.

Our approach to employee engagement is defined by several qualities.

We always take a human-centric approach, grounded in listening and analysis, to foster employee engagement.

That’s why our approach addresses all aspects of the human struggle of change. Rather than simply relaying information.

Employees want to feel a sense of engagement at work. When they don’t, the reasons are typically personal and emotional, driven by feelings of fear, isolation, resentment or meaninglessness. As employee consultants, we are analytical and scrupulous in using both quantitative and qualitative methods to understand both the factors that promote engagement and the ones that diminish it.

Engaged employees are the true drivers of your organization.

Employee engagement isn’t a nice-to-have, it is a vital component of ensuring any strategy your organization deploys is done effectively and efficiently. Engaged employees are active participants in seeking out new business opportunities and in identifying potential and emerging threats too. They see the future of the firm as their responsibility. Our Enterprise Risk Stewardship™ approach helps organizations assess their environment, identify areas where employee stewardship is crucial and then crafts actionable plans to inform, educate and build employee participation. Ultimately, the success of your strategy requires the full engagement of your employees. At every level.

We bring a myriad of expert capabilities and experience in employee engagement.

Employee engagement is a complicated subject that flows from many sources. It cannot be approached solely within the confines of any single discipline; it requires multiple functional areas to operate in harmony and alignment. Our consulting teams possess skills across crucial areas. Our expertise includes areas such as communication, leadership, change management, talent, employee value proposition, technology and design to develop interventions that powerfully change employee experiences and inspire employee engagement. 

Every company is unique, and its employee engagement challenges are specific to its history, culture, strategy and DNA.

That’s why, rather than demanding our clients bend to a one-size-fits-all employee engagement approach, we work in partnership to develop customized solutions that are designed to suit every organization's particular needs.

We know that the people who are tasked to lead employee engagement efforts have big jobs and little time.

With everything on their plates, it is hard for them to keep up with the latest thinking and research-driven employee engagement trends and best practices. We do that sleuthing for you. Our employee engagement team spans the country to keep up with the latest and sharpest perspectives on employee engagement. Our goal is to transfer that knowledge to the clients we serve.