Eric Ryan — On Purpose | Gagen MacDonald

Insights & Events / Let Go & Lead / LG&L Video

Eric Ryan — On Purpose

Jun 22, 2015

Eric Ryan is a game changer. Just over ten years ago, he and his business partner Adam Lowry set out to advance a cause: revolutionizing the way we clean. Along the way, they built Method, one of Inc’s fastest growing companies, pulling in more than $100M in annual sales. In a short time, their beautiful product designs and commitment to sustainability have turned the supermarket cleaning aisle upside down. As they enter their second decade, they know that keeping Method “weird,” the bedrock of their innovative organizational culture, is what will keep them ahead of their field.

A former advertising creative director, Eric infused a quirky, agency spirit into Method to breathe life into a category he claims was plagued with a “sea of sameness.” This touches every aspect of life at Method, down to the design of their office, which feels much more like an idea lab than a soap company. From hallways lined with white boards to cross-functional “pod” working teams, Eric has bred a culture that differentiates his company.

Eric knew early on that taking on century-old category mammoths like P&G and Clorox would take an exceptional combination of talent, passion, and culture to appropriately harness a team’s gifts. He surrounded himself with diverse, imaginative thinkers, allowed them the space to create, and charged everyone with building the Method brand from the inside out. Employees imbued the company with values like “What Would MacGyver Do?” to encourage resourcefulness and risk taking. Every Monday morning, employees “huddle” in an energy-infused, employee-led, all-staff meeting that recognizes and encourages with “shout-outs of awesomeness.”

Method may think they’re “weird.” We’d call them smart!

LG&L Video / Jun 22, 2015

Denise Ramos — On Purpose

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LG&L Video / Jun 23, 2015

Howard Schultz — On Connecting Employees to the Vision

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