Webinar Recap: M&A and the Critical Art of… | Gagen MacDonald

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Webinar Recap: M&A and the Critical Art of Connecting Two Companies

Nov 15, 2022
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Watch our webinar recording below and discover the essential elements to getting post-merger integration right.

Mergers and acquisitions are complicated and complex moments for any business. Too many M&As fail to meet their potential – and the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders – because of culture challenges and integration issues. In a world moving into a recessionary period, the volume and importance of M&A will only increase. Getting post-merger integration right has never been more critical.

Learn when to begin planning so you don't leave post-merger integration to chance, how to engage the right people in the right way at the right time to ensure post-merger success, and how to find and activate the crucial organizational networks required to protect and generate value from any acquisition.

About the webinar series

This is the third webinar in a 3-part series on Transformation Catalysts. Change and transformation are a constant reality for today's leaders and organizations. From our nearly 25 years of experience, we've found the hardest part is creating the environment to make change happen and finding the people in your organization who are the real change catalysts.

Gagen MacDonald, and our partners at Innovisor, can help you learn how to deliver impactful human experiences that drive change and how to identify those critical catalysts.

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